Nissan Repair: 83 230zx n/t auto, radiator fluid, white smoke
Questionput new injectors in... one went bad ... white smoke
two more are bad... white smoke
They have less than 200 mi on them... bad injectors or
Can the car make injectors go bad?
I would check the voltage output of your harness. But, it has been my experience that the car cannot put out enough voltage to make injectors go bad and it is usually something plugging them up or they were defective in the first place. Ohm out known good injectors and compare the readings to the ones that are bad. If they ohm the same it is a plugged injector or one that is stuck open. When you say white smoke that would indicate a headgasket leak and not injectors is if it is really white. What I mean is that if you were running rich you would get black smoke and not white smoke. So, check the radiator fluid level and let me know what the exhaust smells like? Does it burn your eyes? Or does it smell like antifreeze? Email me back with what you find.