Nissan Repair: 2000 nissan maxima, air flow sensor, mass airflow sensor


I've been holding off on buying new ignition coild for my maxima trying to ensure I dont spend a ton of money until I have to. My question is when I start my car on cold mornings as i live in NH my car has a tough time ideling and stalls constantly until the car the warms up. Once the car is warm it rides fine for about a half hour. Once I get to a stop light and sit with the car ideling it seems to start misfiring. Then when I start driving it continues with the sputtering. It reads a code telling me ignition failure on #4. I did replace the coil on #4 yet my car continues to go through this same routine every morning. A mechanic friend of mine said if the car is ideling that rough when I start it there could be an issue with the mas air flow sensor which could be calling for more gas thus causing the misfire. I have bought some CRC mas air flow cleaner and plan on cleaning the sensor and my K&N air filter. Do you think this will help?

Thanks for your help



I would replace all the coils and be done with it.  I personally have a 2000 Maxima and mine did the same thing you discussed.  I have never cleaned the mass airflow sensor and have a K&N filter too.  It was my coils.  You can check or or a site of your choice.  If the car will drive until you can get the coils in it will save you a bundle.  I saved over $20 bucks a coil by purchasing them on-line rather than the dealer price.