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-----Question-----i forgot to rate the answer but it was great,anyway is this a very difficult undertaking...i imagine pulling out radiator to get to it all....any unforseen surprises?thanx for the info
my truck runs great it has almost 300,000 miles on it and never has had the timing chain replaced...i am guessing its a good idea to replace it because people say if it breaks it usually will bend valves....any truth to this?i never owned a nissan bfore but im sold,man it runs great!should i replaceor if it aint broke dont fix it? i juat bought it 2 months ago but have spoken to original owner...thanx
Yes, it is an interference engine and will bend or break valves if the chain goes. Plus the timing cover does not enjoy the experience. Think of a chainsaw trying to get out of the timing cover. Now, with 300K on the clock it might have been changed. But, it is up to you on doing it as preventive maintenance. Now, if it were me I would replace it before something shells.
Rear wheel Drive setup is nice since removal of the radiator gives excellent access. The best advice I can give is to use a Nissan chain, tensioner and guides. Also, keep everything clean and make sure you get all of the oil off the mating surfaces before you apply silicone and then let it skin before you install the cover. A new front seal comes with the kit and with the Nissan one it fits nice. I have not had much luck with aftermarket gaskets.