Nissan Repair: tail light fuse, light fuse, volunteer work
Questionwhen i turn on my headlight switch my headlights burn but it blows the fuse to my tail lights. i cannot find a short.
AnswerPossibly a bad socket. Remove one bulb at a time and turn on the switch to see which side it is.
Hi again Dan,
What's seems to be the problem? Why the lousy rating?
If you tell me you can't find a short but the fuse keeps blowing, then the logical place to check next is the socket. They can get moisture in them and the corrosion and cause the socket to short out. If you remove a bulb from one side and it doesn't blow the fuse, then replace the one you took the bulb out of. It it does blow the fuse, try the other one. If that blows the fuse also, then you will need to do some more checking for the short.
They don't send us a crystal ball when we sign up to do this VOLUNTEER work, so I can only tell you how to figure this out assuming you don't have a VOM or a degree in vehicle electronic application.