Nissan Repair: 1995 Nissan Truck Heater Core, chilton manual, nissan truck

The heater core in my 1995 Nissan XE 2wd Truck needs to be replaced. Is there any way to replace it without removing the dash? If not, where can I purchase a service manual that will show me how to do it?


You really don't have to remove the dash.  Just part of it.  A Haynes or Chilton Manual will do the trick with pictures.  Just be sure to be gentle with the new heater core and make sure not to damage the airconditioner evaporator when you have things taken apart.  The best thing to do is replace the heater hoses while you are doing the core.  If not and you have to replace them later it would bite to break the new heater core you just put in.  Just my experience talking here.