Questionhi, how are you?
foy any nissan car or truck
1-how to test or find out if catalic converter is good or pluged.?
2-in winter usually most cars release too much smoke in the morning
what is could be the cause & what could be done to stop it
thank you so much
AnswerYes, this is a test!!
Most states require an emissions test and a sticker on the windshield showing that the emissions system is working correctly. If the emissions system is not functional, there are fines and rules that must be followed to get the vehicle in compliance.
The colder the engine, the more gas it requires to burn to get the vehicle warmed up. There are two ways to accomplish "stopping" the causes of pollution.
Keep the engine warmed by a plug that is already in use. The plug is connected to an electrical outlet and keeps the engine oil warm.
The other way is to initiate a car that doesnt have any pollution.
I have designed a car that runs strictly on water, but due to the oil companys, government and all the other companies I would put out of work, I can't seem to get the proper financing to build a proto-type.
So, until I can find financing, I guess we will all have to continue to slowly suffocate ourselves.