Nissan Repair: clutch bleeding procedures, clutch master cylinder, nissan 300zx
Questioni replaced my clutch master cylender and slave cylinder on my 1992 nissan 300zx. my question is how do i start to bleed the system i have a top bleed valve and one on the slave cylinder; also how many times do i pump the pedal.
Fill the clutch master cylinder with fluid and then get under the car and open the bleeder until fluid starts to run out. Close the valve. Now, refill the clutch master cylinder. Now, have someone press the clutch pedal to the floor. While the pedal is on the floor open the bleeder screw quickly and close it again. Release the pedal and press it again and open and close the bleeder screw on the slave cylinder again. You should use a hose on the bleeder and put the other end in a container so you do not get fluid all over you and it helps to keep air from entering the slave cylinder. You will need to do the press and bleed several times to get all the air out. Once it is out the pedal will feel normal when pressed and you will know the system is working. ALso, a good indicator is when no air bubbles come out of the slave cylinder bleeder screw. Do not let the level in teh clutch master cylinder get too low as air will enter the system and you will have to start all over bleeding. Remember, no air in the system is the key to good actuation of the pedal.