Nissan Repair: 1997 nissan quest brakes, piston compressor, performance friction
Questioncould you tell me how to install front brake pads on my 1997 quest front wheel drive van
First, jack up the car and put it on stands and chock the rear wheels to make it safe to work on. Second, remove he front tires. Third, remove the two bolts that hold the calipers on. Then wiggle them off and get a piston compressor or large C clamp to compress the piston back in. That way the new pads will fit. The piston extends out as the pad wears down. Now, wire the caliper up on the spring to get it out of the way. You do not want to let it hang by the rubber hose or you will damage the hose. A coat hanger works great. Cut it with wire cutters and use the hanger to hold the caliper to the spring. With the caliper out of the way remove the two pads. One on each side of the rotor. Now, take the shims off the old pads and install them on the new pads. Be sure to note which goes on each side. Most have a wear indicator and it usually goes on the inside. Always a good idea to clean things up with sand paper where the pads slide on the torque member. With the new pads installed put the caliper back on using the bolts you took off. Press on the brake pedal a couple of times to get the piston out to contact the new pad and then do the other side the same way. Be sure that you press on the brake pedal a couple of times before you start the car or you will have reduced brake capacity. That is, the thing will not stop. So, be sure to press on the pedal a couple of times to make sure the brakes work before you put it in gear. I like original Nissan pads or Performance Friction Carbon Metallic pads from Autozone. I hate ceramic pads as they do not work properly. Seems to me that the stopping distance increases with ceramic pads and the pedal seems soft.