Questionyeah we tried im thinking its clogged or somthings wrong with it because its not leaking fluid any where in the lines so were thinking the dampners broken because when we bled it, it kinda dribbled out and like that web site tell u to re rout it to the slave but that would mess ur car up because the dampner is like the over flow and if i re routed it there would be no where for the excess oil to go
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ok hmm well we we tryed that but still nothing...
heres a link of kinda what im talking about
its what some one told me to do but ill take a picture of it this weekend and send it to you to better explain what im talking about
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ok its a 1992 nissan 240sx se.. but the block has like a tube that comes from the master cyl. then it has like more tubing that comes out and goes out a foot then loops back into the block then another that goes into the slave.. maybe its an over flow? it has a bleeder valve like the slave
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well the dampener im talking is located like 2 and a half feet behind the passenger side wheel of the car right by the slave cylender.. its a 2 inch by 2 inch or so box with like 3 different hoses goin into it.. the master cylender goes into this box then into the slave. we think it might have a clogg and this is why the pedal isnt working
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ok well my clutch pedal wont come back up on its self.. we replaced the slave cylender because it was leaking and now the clutch wont enage at all and the pedal wont come back up by its self its like theres no prssure... we replaced the clutch resevour and the slave cylender.. now were thinking its the dampener, or is there somthbing else we can do before buying the dampener. weve bled the lives from both the slave and the dampener and the reason we think its the dampener now is because when we bled the slave cylender it had a stream but not the same with the dampener it had little dropps come out so maybe a clogg or somthing in there not working proporly.. thanks for the help
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Hi Scott,
I don't know what a dampner is on a clutch, but it's solid smarts to replace the master at the same time as you do the slave. Dot 3 will crystalize on you due to heat, moisture and age. Your owners manual may even mention to change the clutch fluid AND brake fluid every 24,000 miles. This is the cause of failure at the slave and clutch master. Also will cause problems with the brake system if you don't bleed it through. Once you have both these replaced you will need to bleed the system.
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Hi Scott,
Let me have the year and model. I have done 300 clutch jobs, never hear of this. There is a brake distribution block, but it won't go into the slave. The brake master will and then it goes off to your rear wheel cylinders or calipers, depending on drum or rotor in the rear.
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No, your looking at the distribution block for the brakes and are confussing which line is going which direction. The Clutch Master Cylinder is not in conjunction with the brake master cylinder. They are seperate accept on Yugos. The clutch master is located next to the brake master a little lower, to it's right. It has it's own reseviore* smaller than the brake master. The bleed valve is on the slave cylinder, which is bolted directly to the transmission. You bleed the system just like brakes. Fill the resiviore* and have someone pump the clutch, pulling it up if need be. After about 10 pumps have them hold it hard to the floor. Open the valve which is a 1/4 wrench, then close it. Repeat this until you have pedal.
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I found it, sorry. First time I ever read about this. Never even seen one in all the years and clutches I've done. Have you tried bleeding it at the block, it mentions it in the bleeding proceedure.
AnswerI still think it's the clutch master not giving enough pressure to make the fluid spray out. They don't have to leak to be bad. Here's a trick on masters though, pull up the carpet on the inside under the pedal, see if there's fluid on the floor board.
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