Nissan Repair: air conditioner belt, center bolt, tensioner pulley
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Question -
whats the easiest way to change a broken air conditioner belt on 95 pathfinder
Answer -
The belts are easy on your vehicle. You just need a 12 and 14 millimeter. Loosen the center bolt on the pulley and then let off tension with the long bolt and then put the new belt on and tighten by the long bolt and then tighten the center bolt on the pulley down. Might check to see taht the pulley or compressor is not locked up as the belt was broke. Don't want to destroy a new belt if something else is defective. So, check it out and email me back if you need more info.
Thanks Von
I went to do what you recemended but the problem is that the power steering belt is in the way.
Remove it and replace it while you are doing the airconditioning belt. To loosen the power steering pump it works much the same as the other tensioner pulley. With the exception that you loosen the pivot bolt and the lock bolt and then use the long bolt to loosen the power steering pump.