Nissan Repair: Check engine like and trouble codes, fuel pressure regulator, heather heather
QuestionMy check engine light is on. It has started driving funny. It boggs down, doesn't want to go even when you step on the gas and is really bad going up hills. Have had problems with O2 sensors in the past. AutoZone read the code P0171 and P0172. I also found a recall on my cars ECM. Any thoughts or suggestions?
Yes, that means that the engine is running lean or that the oxygen sensors are so dirty that they show to read lean. My bet is, since you replaced them, the problem lies with the fuel pressure regulator being stuck closed or you have a dirty filter and injectors. If it were me I would get some gas treatment to clean the injectors and replace the gas filter and check the fuel pressure regulator for proper operation. When the vacuum line is disconnected the fuel pressure should go up about ten pounds and if it does not replace it. Also, replace the air filter and then reset the codes and see if they stay off