Nissan Repair: 1992 nissan 240sx se 5spd, nissan 240sx, clutch pedal
Questionhow do i bleed the hydralic clutch on this car?
AnswerHi Mike,
On the right handside of the transmission you'll find the slave cylinder. There above the hydraulic line there is a bleeder valve with a 1/4 inch fitting. Have someone pump the clutch pedal about ten times and have them hold it to the floor. While it is being held down, open the valve for a few seconds then close it while the clutch pedal is still down. Very important to keep it down so that it won't suck air up while the valve is openned. Repeat this until the clutch pedal feels normal. The pedal should have about an inch to two inches of play at the top. DO NOT LET THE RESEVOIR RUN OUT AT THE CLUTCH MASTER! The clutch master is just to the left of the brake master. The clutch and brake systems do not share the same fluid. Hope this helps, if you need anything more, I am here for you!