QuestionI have a 91 nissan stanza I have replaced the gas tank and the
pump, I have also put in a new fuel presser regulater in..
I have had the plugs and wires and cap replaced the timeing set,
mass air flow senor replaced..injecters have been cleaned
fule filter new also. When I start it in the morrning it
starts right up and after a while of trying to get it to start it does.
The car idles at 1500rpms and stays there for the most part
when i put the ac on it ides at 800rpms
I think it might be runing to rich 170mpg on a full tank
This morning it was idleing at 700 to 800 and seemed to run nice
i just dont understand why it want start all the time and idles
so high if i push it down the hill and pop the cluch it will start right up
AnswerWhat's up Doc? (sorry, had to)
Well, you have a bad sensor somewhere. One of the sensors I have been coming across lately is the IAC sensor. Though I think it's call the IAS sensor in a Nissan. Idle Air Speed sensor. I would figure that there should be a check engine light on, but some of the older vehicles that used this type of electronic diagnosing won't necessarily kick on the light. I suggest you take your car down to someone that can scan it for Diagnostic Trouble Codes. There are just to many sensors on that engine for me to have you start throwing parts at it without a direction to head in. Cottman Transmission will scan this for free if there is one near you. Resubmit to me the code numbers and we will "get er done"