Nissan Repair: 2000 Maxima Hesitation, new found power, sparkplugs
I will try to explain this the best I can. This only happens when I start it in the morning or leave to come home from work after it's been sitting for a long time.
It starts fine. I back out of the driveway in the morning and put it in drive. Press on the gas and it won't go - it either doesn't move or it jerks. All of a sudden, it kicks in and takes off on me. Once I get it going, it runs fine. However, it doesn't have as much power as it used to have when I try to pass someone. I have taken it to a mechanic who could not find anything wrong when hooked up to the machine. He did clean the throddle which helped a little. Now its back to doing it again.
I really can't afford to be trying this and that with the dealership until they can figure this out. Any direction you could give would be so much appreciated.
You are probably looking at replacment of the coils. The 2000 Maxima was known for this and most of the time there are no codes set. Now, if you have not done a tuneup this is a good time since the coils will be off and the sparkplugs can be accessed. Even though the plugs are supposed to go 80,000 miles they really need replacement sooner. You will be surprised with the new found power.