Nissan Repair: 2005 nissan altima, nissan altima, volt ohm meter
QuestionWe drove in heavy rain today and when we arrived at our destination found we couldn't start the car up. We got a boost and drove home fine but when we attempted to restart it nothing. could it be the battery? Any suggestions?
No other problems light go on windows go down slowly. Alarm light blinks on fine with the engine off we can do some of the mentioned things like the window opening ability with key in ignition but thats all.
It could be that the starter or alternator have water in them. Over night the moisture could evaporate or you could have blown some diode in the alternator. I would check the alternator output with a volt ohm meter and see what the output is. While you are doing it you should check the fuses at the positive battery cable. You can get a cheap volt ohm meter for under $20 bucks at the store. Or, you could get another jump and go to Autozone or Checker and get the system checked for free.