Questioni charged up battery and put on another alternator, as with original alternator when i switched on ignition no oil,battery,panel lights etc. came on although radio was on.started engine assumed it started because of charged up battery, tried indicators didn't work, when i revved up the engine they began to work.switched off the ignition and tried again still no ignition lights just a repeat of above still confused.could i have damaged the converter? (not sure what that is)
thanks for your help
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Question -
started my micra drove to petrol station restarted car,drove to golf course,after 5minutes tried to restart car,starter motor barely engaged no ignition lights , borrowed Power -g jumpstarterstarted car,driving home engine started to miss-fire till it eventually stopped used jumpstarter to get it going limped home.tried other battery which was low but thought running engine would charge it up.there were no ignition lights jumpstarter started engine as soon as removed a jumpstart lead was removed engine stopped is this a battery or major electrical fault cheers
Answer -
The alternator is in need of replacement and have the battery charged and tested to see if it is not been damaged by running so low. Also, be sure not to run the car until the charging system is corrected as hte lean condition can damage the converter.
Check the fuse links at the battery and make sure the ignition switch is going beck to the run position when you let off after starting the car. You can wiggle the key and see if it is in th right detent. If none of this works I would be looking at the instrument panel connection. No,. the converter should not be bad unless the car has loss of power and or is overheating.