Nissan Repair: A/C rebuild, nissan sentra, receiver dryer
QuestionI have a 94 Nissan Sentra and purchased new or rebuild A/C components. Rebuilt compressor, new condensor, new accumulator/drier and new expansion valve(orifice tube). I was going to install them myself and have the system professionally flushed and recharged. Are there any components I should exclude? Can the compressor be installed without oil?
You need to check to see if the compressor has the proper level of oil in it from the remanufacturer. If not fill it to the proper level and follow the instructions to the letter for the filling and quantity and type of oil. Since you have a 94 it is probably PAG oil that is compatible with R-134. Check with the store to get the correct lubricant. If the system was open for a long time it is quite possible that you need all the components. Now, the condensor might not require replacement. But, if it has a hole in it from a rock or wreck then it should be replaced too. Use the lubricant on all o-rings you install and do not over-tighten any of the connections. If you do all of this make sure you get the system pumped down immediately as the receiver dryer will be trashed if it is left open or installed on a system that has not been evacusted. really important here since you do not want to buy another one. So, get all parts installed before the dryer and check with the shop that is going to suck it down and get on their list so you can drive it over just after you install the dryer and get it evacuated and charged.