Nissan Repair: Electical, nissan pathfinder, clutch pedal

My 1994 nissan Pathfinder V6 automatic, will not turn.  The battery is good, the fuel pump is engaging, the lights do come on on the dashboard.  Can the starter just die without any earlier signs? How about a neutral switch.  Number of times before I had to move the tranny shifter to park few times before it started.  


Yes, the starter can fail all at once as you describe.  Now, before I changed the starter I would check to make sure that the shift interlock, safety switch was good.  Try starting the car and shifting from park to first while holding the key in the start mode.  If the car attempst to start or does start the safety swtich is in need of replacement.  If you have a manual transmission the switch is on the clutch pedal and it has to be all the way down to get the car to start.  Lastly, while doing this make sure that you have your foot on the brake and the parking brake set since if it is in gear and it starts the car will want to move...