Nissan Repair: A TICKING NOISE, drive shaft, universal joints

HELLO, My 1997 2/W XE Nissan Truck has developed a ticking noise I think from the drive shaft. Because the noise gets louder when the truck is going faster, the revolutions of the ticking noise is faster at high speeds and it slows down at slower speeds. That is why I think it might be in the drive shaft area.Thanks


The noise could be a universal joint going bad or a bearing.  You need to get the vehicle on a lift and have it run while a person is under it to isolate the noise.  I would take it to a shop if you do not have a lift since it is dangerous to perform this inspection.  So, check into a local shop that is willing to diagnose the problem.  Universal joints are cheap to replace.  If the rear end has a bad bearing that is going to cost more money and finding a good used rear end would probably be a cheaper alternative.