Nissan Repair: nissan serena repair, hydraulic clutch, slave cylinder
Questionhow do i change a hydraulic clutch pipe on a nissan serena 2.3 diesel?
AnswerSimply purchase a new one and open the hood and look at the firewall. Now, beside the master cylinder for the brakes is one for the clutch. It is smaller. If you look below this you will see a line that goes down to the slave cylinder. Remove the old one and replace it with a new one. Now, you will need to bleed the system so you will have to fill the reserve and then open the line at the bottom about a half turn until fluid runs out. Stop and refill after you see that fluid comes out. Now, have someone get inside and press the clutch and crack the bleeder at the slave cylinder and close it rapidly so no air backfeeds. Have them let off the clutch and repeat the process until the clutch firms up. Keep an eye on the fluid so it does not run low or you have to start the bleeding process all over again.