Nissan Repair: A theft 1992 Nissan Maxima, haynes book, nissan maxima
QuestionI went thrue my Haynes manual and still can't identify the BCM computer. Is there another name for it? My car is a Canadian model. (it has daytime light) I removed the fuses as mentioned and I was able to drive it out of the driveway. I never use the cool touch lock but I find the fuel pump very useful. Can I still drive it that way?
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I read your answer about the antitheft system on a 1992 Nissan Maxima. I don't know where is the BCM computer. (can't find it in the Haynes book). My power locks are working "sometimes". My alarm goes off sometimes when I try to open my door. The alarm went off while I was watching TV tonight. I had to go outside to turn it off. There was no sign of forced entry. I don't want it to go off during the night so I removed a fuse that turned the flashing "security" light off but also turned my inside lights off. (I can live without lights but not with mad neighbours). I also removed the fuse that is identified as A/THEFT on the fuse panel cover. How can I really fix the problem other than "bridging the wires"? Or to remove the BCM computer that I can't identify?
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You will need to replace the BCM and it under the dash on the drivers side. It needs to be there unless you are an electrical engineer since the alarm prevents the car from starting. You would have to wire around it to get the fuel pump to work and your cool touch locks on the doors would not work either. It is best to source one from a wrecking yard and replace it.
If you disconnected the alarm fuse and it is not going off and the car still runs you are there! If you want it to work the BCM will have to be replaced. If the Haynes does not show it you can go to and download the factory .pdf manual for $20 bucks. For that price you get an hour to download files so concentrate on what you want and you will see the BCM. It is on the drivers side under the dash and is about as big as a cigar box with two connectors. But, since you disconnected the fuse you are good for the time being.