Nissan Repair: 98 Nissan 200SX, nissan 200sx, open flames

Where is the fuel filter located on this model and is it a job that can be done at home.  I was told to remove the fuel filter fuse and then start the car until it sputters to remove pressure in the line.  Any help would be appreciated.


The filter is on the bottom of the car and all you do is follow the line from the tank forward and you will see it.  Buy a new filter and you will see what you are looking for.  You can disconnect the fuse and do as you say.  Also, release the pressure on the tank by removing the gas cap and then reinstalling it.  You will get a little gas on the ground and you when you disconnect the filter so have rags available.  Be sure that there are no drop lights or open flames near by.  Also, it is a good idea to have a fire extinguisher and someone watching while the filter is changed.  Never can be too safe.  Use jackstands and block the wheels too.