Nissan Repair: 200 Ford Focus, road grime, rubber dust
QuestionGood morning Von. You were great help in resolving my Infinity issue. I am requesting your guidance again on my 2000 Ford Focus.
I am trying to service the front brake pads, but the claiper retaining bolts appear to be of special type and size. You can't see them since they are protected by rubber dust shield.
What type and size bolt are they and tool should be used? Thanks in advance?
Another question on this Focus: the code P0141 is on indicating Oxygen sensor malfunction. The book refers to wiring issue. Any suggestions?
It should be a torx T45 or T50. I would suggest that you buy an assortment since I have not done your particular car. Yes, Ford likes the Torx type fastener and once you figure out which one it is get a couple because you will probably break one or more depending on the road grime and rust thtat has developed. Be sure to keep the socket aligned when you loosen and tighten because if you are off to one side it will strip out.