Nissan Repair: 240sx brakes, performance friction, performance brake
QuestionI need to replace my calipers, rotors and pads. The thing I am
having a problem with is buying the calipers I don't know what
an unloaded, loaded or semi loaded caliper is. Can you help me
so I can get the right parts. Thanks
The difference between loaded and partially loaded is one has the pads already installed and the other does not. I would buy the unloaded ones and buy my own pads. I love Nissan pads or you could go with Performance Friction Carbon Metallics or Hawk or EBC Green Stuff. All of these work great. Remember that you will need to bleed the brakes and for that I would use Ford High Performance Brake Fluid. It is DOT 3 and will not hurt your system and it works awsome since it has almost twice the boiling point of regular brake fluid.