Nissan Repair: 2002 Nissan Altima occationally not start, 2002 nissan altima, nissan altima

I saw a similar question on 3/20/06 but your answer to that question did not help. My Altima is on a brand new battery. After driving from one store to another, it didn't start last Saturday when we came back from our stop: starter didn't response (you don't hear anything other than the clicks of the key), lights are all on and okay. Then, after about 20-30 minutes, it started and we were very glad we could get back home. It's fine this morning when I drove to work. Could you please help? Thanks!


First, check to see if it will start with shifting from park to neutral.  If it has a manual press in the clutch several times while turning the key.  You could just have a starter going out if the aforementioned does not work.  The fields in the starter are ceramic so do not tap it with a hammer.