Nissan Repair: 1992 Nissan Maxima Factory Installed Alarm, keyless entry system, nissan maxima
QuestionEverytime I open the door the factory installed alarm goes off. I used to be able to shut it off by simply turning the key at the driver's side, but now that doesn't work.
I might have a ground, since this problem was never this consistent. I thought I found the fix about a week ago and was able to start my car also, but the next day the problem is there again.
My power locks does not work.
And I would like to shut the alarm off by the keyless entry system, but I don't know how to use it. Or if it works.
If yours has a keyfob change the battery and attempt to turn the alarm off. If not use the key in the drivers door. If that does not work take the door panel off and on the back of the lock are wires that control the system. Simply bridge the wires and the alarm will turn off. To really disconnect the entire alarm is a difficult task and it requires the removal of the BCM computer. I would just replace the door switch and you should be fine. Email me back if this does not do the trick.