Nissan Repair: climate control light, phillips screw, dashboard lights

I have Maxima 2000 and the LED/bulb that lights up the climate control buttons doesn't turn on with the rest of the dashboard lights.
Is there a specific fuse?
If i need to replace the LED/bulb, how to take apart the center console.


It is not an LED.  It is a really small light bulb.  Nissan wants something like $10 bucks for two.  You can take yours out and go to Radio Shack and get them for something like a Buck each...

To take the center section out you need to take the ashtray/coinholder out and take the phillips screw out and take the screws out of the side of the console and the ones inside the armrest and then loft the console up and back.  The radio as to come out to get to the screws that hold the airconditioner controls in and then you can take the control out enough to get to the back and the light.