Nissan Repair: 1998 Transmission question, wire car, electrical tester
? Can you point me to a wiring diagram or describe which harness to start with first?
The work was done by a shade tree (friend of the family) no warranty. Also what equipment do I need to verify the wiring isn't broken.
As much detail about how to check is appreciated as I will be doing this myself. For example, if I check with an electrical tester, how much voltage would I expect to see on any given wire, and what do I need to do to power up that wire (car in gear with engine running etc etc).
I do greatly appreciate your help.
You could use a twelve volt test light and a multi-meter. The light is about $5 bucks and the multi-meter is $20 bucks at Sears or a parts store.
The overdrive harness plugs into the side of the transmission case at the front of the car. I would take the car out and run it up to operating temperature and then pull the harness and see if there is electricity going to the harness. And, get someone to push the overdrive button while you are checking the harness. Visually inspect the harness from where it plugs into the transmission and work back to the firewall. Also, pins ahve been known to be bent on installing new parts so check the pins on the connector before you check anything else.