Nissan Repair: How do I remove passenger side mirror- 2002 Nissan Quest, phillips screwdriver, injection molded plastic
QuestionMy passenger outside mirror housing is cracked on my 2002 Nissan Quest and I would like to remove it and look for a replacement. How do I do so? I think the inside door panel might also have to come off to get to it- if it does how is that removed? THANK YOU!!
Yes, the door panel will have to come off to get to the ten millimeter bolts that hold the mirror on. You will need to get a phillips screwdriver and remove the scres that is hidden under the handle and the one by the release handle and then take the light cover off and remove that screw as well. Now, start at the bottom and pry the doorpanel off and then lift it up over the window lip. It helps to have the window in the down position. Also, have a helper hold the doorpanel while you disconnect the wiring to the window and lock switch along with the door light. Now, you have access to the cover that hides the bolts that holds the mirror on. Pry the cover up and out being careful not to break the clips. The part is injection molded plastic and the clips break really easy. If they do you can use RTV silicone to reinstall. But, the next time it has to come off it is going to be quite difficult. The mirror bolts are not exposed and if memory serves me right there are three. Fish the electric cable through as you remove the mirror and a helper comes in handy for this too.