Nissan Repair: Cruise & Horn in-op on 95 Sentra GLE, spiral cable, continuity check
QuestionI have no horn or cruise on my ‘95 Sentra. I have removed the airbag and checked the spiral cable / connections in the wheel, under the dash and fuses and I cannot find the issue. If it was the spiral cable, I would assume the airbag light would be on, so I'm at a total loss. I'd appreciate your help.
You need to do a continuity check on the system. First get a test light and check to make sure that the horn is not getting voltage. If it is the horn is burnt out and that is probably opening a circuit breaker. To do this get a test light and unplug the horn out front and touch the probe to the connector wire and the other clip to ground and ahve someone press the horn. If it lights you have found your problem, a bad horn. I think the two circuits are interlinked and that should take care of the cruise too. If you have not checked the relays and fuses do that too. Drop me a line and let me know how it goes. Oh, be very careful around airbags and if you take it apart again I would disconnect the battery and remove the fuse and unplug the yellow airbag harness under the dash and wait five minutes before you take it out again. That is the process so the power bleeds off and it does not go off in your face. Remember that the airbag was submitted for patent for use in the death penalty to break a person's neck. Be careful and stay out of the line of fire.