Nissan Repair: 95Nissan Pickup 4x4 hesitation/stumble, optical pickup, pickup 4x4
QuestionDear Sir,
I have been reading the questions/answers on this page. Looks like some good info, I now have a few things to investigate but I would like to ask you about my vehicle specificly(sp?) Bought this truck used with 62k, it now has 104k and it has just recently started acting as if the fuel filter is clogged, at about 2500 to 3000rpm it starts to stumble. It does not stall out at all, the idle is fine. I just replaced the dist. cap/rotor, plugs & fuel filter(no fix). Have not checked fuel pressure or optical plate in dist.(on my list now)Due to the age & mileage on the truck, is it possible that the coil it used up? Also where is the EGR valve located, I've looked but did not see it. One last question, what service manuel do you suggest, I have a Chilton manuel right now but it is so general for many years and makes, some thing just are not very clear.
Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
Chagne the fuel filter and if that does not do the trick then check the distributor for oil on the optical pickup. You have to take the cap, rotor, rotor post and cover off to see the optical pickup. It is an LED like the one on a mouse and if it gets oil on it it screws up the ignition.