Nissan Repair: 1997 Nissan Sentra GXE, nissan sentra, battery failure

The car died just after the airbag light came on, pulled to side of road. Changed to new battery, started ok and drove home but security lights still flashing. I didnt put back the holddown clamps because it was too dark. Move the battery and the lights flash. Is there a sensor there? Will light flashing go away when holddown clamps secure? When I bought the car it had the light showing to check engine. Dealer checked the reading, said it was an 1105, Nissan did not know what that reading meant. Could it have anything to do with the battery failure? I have never tried this site before but from reading the questions and your answers you seem to be the best person to ask. Thanks, Doug


Disconnect the battery and wait five minutes and reconnect the battery and see what the codes say.  There should be no codes and you should be fine.  If not go to Autozone or Checker and have them check the codes.  If you still have codes email me back.