Nissan Repair: trunk lid locks, lighter flints, deck lid
Question How do I replace or repair the lock in the trunk lid of a 1997 Altima?
The trunk and doors share the same key and as such you will need to remove your trunk lock. Open the trunk and look under the deck lid and see where the lock is. Then disconnect the rod and take not of how it connects. Then, remove the clip that holds the lock in place. Then, get a work surface that is clean so you can take the cylinder apart. Now, carefully note where the tumblers are. These look like lighter flints and they are different lengths that corrispond to the cuts on the key. If you mix them up you will be going to a locksmith or tearing your door lock out of one of the doors so you can match the location of the tumblers. I assume your lock is toast so you will need to get another one to put your tumblers in. Dealer item is quite expensive so I would go to a wrecking yard. Take the tumblers out of the old lock and insert them into the new lock iin the proper place and put it all back together.