Nissan Repair: It wont start, neutral safety switch, clutch pedal
QuestionHello. I have a 1987 Nissan pick-up, 2.4, 4-cyl, 2wd. The other day, I went out to eat, and then when I tried to start the car to come home, it wouldn't start. Today, I replaced the starter and starter relay, but it still doesn't work. Am I looking in the wrong place?
If the truck has lights and the radio works that means that you have current and the truck should start. You have replaced the starter and relay. My bet is the starter interlock on the shifter is bad, if you have a automatic. And, if it is a stick the clutch interlock switch is bad. basically, the voltage is not getting to the starter due to one of these being bad. Bridge the connection if you have a clutch. The switch is up on the bracket the clutch pedal stop is located on. If it is an automatic try shifting the car into different gears while holding the brake and turning the ignition at the same time. If it starts you know that the shift interlock/neutral safety switch is defective.