Nissan Repair: 1999 Nissan no start, nissan maxima, trouble code
QuestionRegarding a 1999 Nissan Maxima:
I wrote you yesterday about my problem. Thanks for the quick response. Since then I have checked further. It has fire at the plugs, it has fuel, the pump is working. Still no start. You said to check the key..... The car has a remote starter kit which starts the car without a key in it from the house or wherever. It won't start that way either, so I don't think the key is it either. It does crank over good, it just wonm't start. The check engine light isn't blinking so I don't think it has a trouble code. It won't start, so I don't know if it will go out when it is started. I put a different e-mail but if you could reply to both I'll get it at one of them. Thanks again
[email protected] or
[email protected]
AnswerGet under the dash and look at the remote start connection. If the wire to the ignition portion of the system is loose it might be the problem. I just replaced one on a Checy Blazer that had this problem. Have you checked the fuel pressure with a gauge or do you just hear the pump running? SOmetimes the regulator takes a dump and the fuel just runs in the tank and never makes it to the injectors.