QuestionI own a 1994 Nissian Altima 4 cylinder. recently the clutch went on it. I've looked all overfor instructions on how to install it if it is not an inconvience could you please give me detailed instuctions on how to install my new clutch. I'm a single mom and cant afford to have it repaired. I know a little about what needs to be done . Iknow that the front end needs to be droped and the same goes for the transmission. I also know that the clutch is between the motor and trans. in the bell casing. I thank you for any and all help you can provide me. Thankyou for everything Melissa
Replacing a clutch is a big job and the transmission is heavy. If you have the tools and a jack and stands to hold the car up here is how it is done.
Disconnect the battery.
Jack the car up and support it with stands.
Take the front wheels off
Drain the transmission
Take the spindle nuts off the CV joints
Disconnect the struts to allow the removal of the CV driveshafts.
The passenger side has a carrier bearing that also has to be removed
Disconnect the exhaust
If you have a large engine hoise it is easy to support the engine and transmission
Disconnect the K member with the engine and transmission being supported by the engine hoist.
Disconnect the hoses and wiring to the engine and the speedometer wiring and throttle cable and the clutch linkage at the shifter under the car.
Lower the engine and transmission to the floor
Take the starter loose
Remove the bolts to the transmission and split the case
Remove the clutch, pressure plate and throwout bearing
Reinstallation is the reverse of removal.
This is a big job and if you do not have the tools perhaps a friend does or you have access to an auto hobby shop like they have on Air Force Bases? They have lifts and that makes the job even easier.