QuestionOK. Thanks for reply.
But as far as seal replacement was only the outter one (the one that you remove you do i replace the inner seal ? do i need to take the whole assmebly off the engine?where is the senor located at the engine?Also i was tring to replace my roter also while i clean the cap..i try to take off the screw ..but i can't take the roter out, did that meant i need to Remove the whole assembly?
Followup To
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I have an 1992 Nissan Sentra E
Automatc, with 124,499 mile on it
Recently, i pull out the dist. cap and replace the seal ,due to oil leak...afterward, i have put the plug wire , than it start right up. but after a while the car will surge and begin to dit. and it will make my "Check Engine" Light come there any sensor that is not working , or may just the plug wire or the cap? I have not change the cap ,just clean and reinstalled.
It sound like the car need more fuel to keep it running.
Answer -
Make sure that you cleaned the optical pickup and sensor along with the shutter wheel of all oil when you replaced the seal. You did replace the inner seal and not the one on the outside? The inner one is the one that gives the problem of allowing oil to enter the distributor and that's what gets on the sensor. I bet that is your problem. Yes, I would replace the cap and rotor while I had it apart and I would use Nissan parts as the aftermarket units are not up to the same quality standards. I did my duaghter's Stanza and went for a rebuilt distributor unit from Nissan since the old one was so worn out. It even came with a new cap and rotor.
AnswerThis is important so before you remove the distributor note the position of the rotor because you will have to install the new one or your rebuilt one in the same position or you will be 180 degrees out on timing. The distributor has a drive dog notch on the bottom where in connects in with the camshaft. So, remember the way it was positioned before you remove it. I like to use touchup paint to mark the housing against the head and then note the position of the rotor to make it easy when you reinstall it.
It sounds like your distributor is done for. My daughter's Stanza had the same thing. You could attempt to take yours apart. But, it is tricky to press out the roll pin that holds the drive dog on the bottom. I bought a rebuilt distributtor from Nissan and it came with a new cap and rotor and there was no problem with the change out except for the price. A rebuilt from a parts store will run aobut $300 and almost $500 from Nissan. If you are really good with mechanics you could drive the pin out of the drive dog and pull the shaft through the top and replace the seal. But, the seal is a pain to extract and it is really difficult to press in a new one since it is in the bottom of the distributor housing. Your choice in how you do it. And, if you mess up your distributor they will not take it back for a core and you will be out the core cost. Let me know how it goes.