Nissan Repair: fuel pressure regulator/fuel pump, fuel pressure regulator, nissan 200sx

I have a 1995 Nissan 200SX. Was driving last night and went to turn into a parking lot and it died. It would turn over and finally start but would not stay started.

Was told it could be a fuel pressure regulator or the fuel pump. I do not have alot of money to play games to see what it is. How can you tell which it might be?

Thank you in the way, we have only had this car for 34 days. Also do not know if it is a 1.6 or 2.0 motor.

Tracey Geller

First you have to see if you have fuel going to the engine.  To do this remove the line at the fuel filter and get a coffee can and then have someone turn the key on.  Aim the hose in the coffee can and be sure that the person at the key can hear you.  If you are getting gas it will be coming out fast and you will want to tell them to turn the key off.  You need not have them attempt to start the car as you only want them to turn the key to the on mode.  If you are getting gas the next step is to pull one of the plug wires and insert a wire into the plug boot.  Then hold the wire by the rubber part with the paper clip or wire you inserted into the plug boot about a quarter of an inch from the engine block.  It has to be a clean shot to metal.  Have someone turn the engine over and see if you are getting a spark.  If you are not getting a spark check the cap and rotor.  There is also a possibility that your distributor has oil getting on the optical sensor.  This could be the cause of your problem.