Nissan Repair: 2000 Nissan Quest, colisions, nissan quest

The  airbag light on my 2000 Nissan Quest has come on The local shop says that the scanner does not indicate the problem but several others had come on as well and they were unable to get the light to go out and stay out. The van has 72000 miles and has been in no colisions.

Did the shop get the light to stay off?  If not there could be a problem with it deploying in the event of a wreck.  The other light is a malfunction indication light and it is for emmissions.  So, is the airbag light out?  If it is the other codes can be read with a scanner you can get from your local parts store.  If you want to take the less expensive route you can go to Autozone and they will read the codes for free.  Then but the proper parts and have them turn the light out when you have replaced the parts.  But, I cannot stress enough the need to get the airbags working properly.  If you have someone in your vehicle and the airbag fails in a wreck you could be liable.  Not to mention if it were a member of your family.