Nissan Repair: Car Concern, nissan skyline gts, oil leaks
QuestionI have a whole list of questions but it would only be fair if i asked 1 at a time right?so..
Q-I recently took my car to my mechanic and i found i had oil leaks in numerous places including cam cover,timing seals,engine,transmission and l.w steering unit.he explains to me i need to get new gaskets and seals and will cost a pretty penny.Is he being honest or is there a way i can save money doing this?thank you very much for your time
1990 nissan skyline GTS-T rb20det
AnswerBasically, to reseal the engine in all the places you say are leaking I would be looking at pulling the engine to get to all the seals. Also, you have to understand that the seals are leaking because of pressure. The rings are probably on their way out since it is 14 years oli and should be replaced while you are in the engine replacing the seals. If it were me I would go to the trouble of replacement of the bearings and rings and all the seals at the same time and it would be like a new engine. Of course there will be other items that should be replaced while you are at it like timing components and the water pump.