Nissan Repair: replacing steering rack, power steering rack, nissan maxima gxe

2000 Nissan Maxima GXE
On a recent trip my power steering rack
went kaput. I was stuck and had it replaced
at the garage to which I was towed by AAA.
What would be a ball park figure for the
cost of a part mailed overnight, and the labor
needed to replace the broken unit ?
I'm curious.


I called my Nissan Dealership (local) and asked them for info in regards to the part itself, then the cost for labor.  Now not knowing the exact size engine and other info this was what I was quoted, (now mind you it was for the Nissan Dealership itself.)

Also they told me that this is NOT a common part go out.

The part was $988

The Labor was $545

So there you go, hope this helps.

Jim can you email me back (reply, respond) however this site works and tell me the shop you took your vehicle to.

The reason why I ask is because if it was not a Nissan dealership I would question the shop.  The gentleman I spoke to at Nissan informed me that this paticular part is NOT common to break and in his 6 years of dealing with Nissan he has never heard of this part breaking.

Especially on a 2000.  I personally have been dealing with Nissan's for 20 years and have not had to replace ONE.

