Nissan Repair: 1991 Nissan Sentra Instrument Pod Access, nissan sentra, instrument pod
Question I'm having some trouble finding explicit instructions on how to remove the instrument pod and/or dashboard in order to replace burned out bulbs. I've tried Chilton publications but this isn't covered in the manuals I have found for my make/mode/year.
Could you briefly discuss the procedure or point me to a publication that covers this procedure.
Thanks in advance for any help you can give me on this
Answerremove the black plastic surround///3-4 screws upper side///
wiggle it out .....then see 4 screws holding the pod in....remove them.......pod should just lift out, disconnecting the wiring plugs as you get it out.......this is a might have to::::> cover over t/s ws/w switch might have to come off//screws from underside//