Oldsmobile/Buick Repair: Drive Train/ Power Train, drive shaft, olds bravada
Question2001 Olds Bravada 4.3L engine, automatic transmission, all wheel drive.
I recently had the transmission replaced (remanufactured at a dealer). Since then the following problem has come up: From a stationary position, if I crank the wheels all the way to the left or the right and try to back up, the vehicle acts like the brake is on or something. Dealer has checked the brakes and they are okay (emergency brake also). There is some concern that it is locking in all wheel drive yet there is no service code, etc to confirm.
It seems to me they could EASILY determine if the vehicle is in AWD.
they could unhook the front drive shaft and see if your concern is duplicated.
I personally have not had any problems with the AWD units in these vehicles. I also see no service concerns.
I am sorry.