Oldsmobile/Buick Repair: 95 Aurora died wont start, 1995 olds aurora, google search
QuestionIve had a bit of an intermittant problem of my 1995 Olds Aurora suddenly dying after running for awhile. Normally ill pull over, and after a few second get it going again without problems. This has been happening for about a week, maybe 3 different times. Today I drove on three different occasions all with varying amounts of time and distance without a hitch. The last time I drove less than a mile slowed down and the car stalled. Now it will not start. It cranks fine, plenty of gas, great battery. I checked all the fuses and relays. I tried different times and still nothing. PLease help.
AnswerHi Greg,
By plenty of gas....did you actually test the pressure?
Assuming the fuel pressure is staying up where it needs to be, I would check the EGR valve to see if it is sticking open on some carbon. That will act like a large vacuum leak...which is exactly what it is. The pintles closing on a chunk of carbon, which can be blown out while driving when the valve opens again, can cause the intermittent problem.
Do a Google search for Seafoam, and read up on that. May be what you need.
Water decarbonization is another means. Search for that.