Oldsmobile/Buick Repair: Got a few problems help with any would be apprecited, fuel pressure regulator, vacuum line
QuestionI just bought a Arura 95 and i gonna work on it because it has some issues. The first one is starting the car i need to turn the key and give it gas for awhile before it starts. It puters or dies on me when i stop in drive at lights but if it is park it idles fine and on highway at high speeds. Also the power steering might have leek cause it has no power steering and when i poured some in it didnt make a difference. Any thing you think would solve any of these problems and help i apprecite alot
I do not have any service info for 1997 and older.
But the fuel problem REALLY sounds like it may be a leaky Fuel pressure regulator.
If you remove the vacuum line off regulator there should be NO gas at all. If there is I would replace it.
The power steering I would attempt to locate leak, and repair as necessary.
Hope this helps