Oldsmobile/Buick Repair: 2000 OLDS Silhouette has warning light and start problems, dashboard lights, diagnostic specialist

My son's OLDS van has problems with various warning lights and last week wouldn't start until about 4th try.  A few months ago, the outside lights started blinking and the Air Bag warning light came as well as occassionally other dashboard lights.  OLDS dealer replace battery saying it was not the right one which Sears had put in.  This didn't fix problem, so they replaced the computer.  This didn't totally fix problem either and last week the car didn't want to start and the ABS light was on.  Took back to OLDS dealer and they did diagnositics, charged battery, and sent him to diagnostic specialist thinking it was a Ground Fault problem.  The specialist replaced the alternator (which has regulator) on Friday, but problems continue. What could this be?

Here is a bulletin from GM that I think is your problem.
I personally have run into this twice, and your condition(s) sound EXACTLY like the one I dealt with.
Here is the bulletin ;

Some customers may comment on one or more of the following conditions:

   •  Engine is hard to start

   •  Engine will not start

   •  Engine starts then stalls

   •  Fuel gauge is inoperative or fluctuates

   •  Service Engine Soon/Check Engine light is illuminated

   •  ABS Warning Light is illuminated

   •  TCS Warning Light is illuminated

   •  TCS activation

   •  Service Traction System message displayed

   •  All-Wheel Drive Disable message displayed

These conditions may be intermittent. Upon investigation, the technician may find various DTCs set.

This condition may be due to water leaking into the interior of the vehicle, and/or spread terminals, at connector C305 that is located on the floor to the rear of the driver's seat. This connector is not sealed from the inside of the vehicle and water may enter the connector causing the terminals to become corroded. Also, the female terminals of the connector may have become spread apart causing an intermittent poor connection.


  •  Inspect the terminals at connector C305 for corrosion or spreading before replacing the fuel module or resistor card kit. Terminals can be accessed from underneath the vehicle.

  •  Do not attempt to repair any spread female terminals as this will result in a return repair. The female terminal must be replaced.

  •  If the terminals show signs of corrosion, determine the source of the water leak first and repair the water leak before repairing the terminals in connector C305. Refer to Corporate Service Bulletin Number 01-01-38-009A to determine a potential source for water in the vehicle interior.

Repair any corroded and/or spread female terminals in connector C305. Refer to Repairing Connector Terminals in the Wiring Systems sub-section of the appropriate service information.

Now here is the Document ID# 1858743
and here is the bulletin #01-08-45-005E.
IF you take it back to the dealer, they'll be able to look this up with either number.
ANY General Motors dealership will be able to work on an Oldsmobile. So if you distrust the one your using, use another GM dealership.

Have them REALLY check the terminal tension... this is what I have found as most problem due to corrosion.

I would ALSO have them check the ignition switch/PasslockIII module. The are know for causing faults, also, similar to a few of described.(Document ID# 1413054 #PI01574)

I Hope this helps.
Good luck