Oldsmobile/Buick Repair: 1998 buick le sabre, oil filler cap, buick le sabre

QUESTION: hi i have a noise which comes and goes i cant beleive it i start the car and there is nothing after driving it for a while it starts at first i thought it was trans. so i brought it to the trany guys and they said it was not trany but thought it could be serpentine belt slipping or one of the pully bearings. well i got home and took the belt off and the noise was still there so its coming from where timing belt is i guess. i leave the car off for 10 minutes and the noise wll go away until i drive it for a little while. i would like to know how big a job it would be to take cover off 1998 3.8 series 11 enjine there is no room. or should i leave it till it gets worse. what would timming belt check at a shop cost on this car. any advise would help thanx.

The 3.8L does not have a timing belt.
It uses a chain, straight from crank to cam. Has a small tensioner.
If it is a high pitched noise it MAY be rod bearings or cam bearings. with improper oiling.
USUALLY the chain will not make much noise, maybe a rattle.
I Hope this helps.
If you want more info on removing the front cover, please follow post back

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: hi when i was trying to find noise i took oil filler cap off and there was a lot off vacuum there enough to lower the rmp and make the motor run rough is this normal on this motor i just changed the intake manifold  because  i was loosing antifreeze when i took manifold off there was quite a bit off sludge built up inside i put new manifold and gasket after this i noticed steem coming from rad and antifreeze smell along with this noise what seem to be more off outside bearing or slight belt slip noise. anyways if it was cam or rod bearings noise the guys from trany shop who build, and race there own race car should of pick that up i would think? any advise on the vacuum. i guess i will drive it untill it gets worse.

I can tell you EXACTLY whats wrong.
You forgot, or mis-installed either the PVC valve back into the upper intake manifold OR the "straw" tube did not seat into the PVC port inside upper intake.
The PVC goes under the MAP sensor, on the VERY FRONT TOP of engine (the 3 wire sensor) that is held in by the manifold.
Under that sensor is the PCV valve, spring and o ring.
If all that was installed correct, then the "straw" tube either is not fully seated correctly. The plastic tube in underside of upper intake manifold.
I hope this helps.