Oldsmobile/Buick Repair: Cooling fans, intake manifold gasket replacement, intake manifold gasket

2002 Olds Silhouette. Before our intake manifold gasket replacement the temperature gage never went past the 1/4 mark unless it was low on coolant, Now, it easily reaches the 1/2 mark during town driving and on highway is inbetween the 1/4 and 1/2 marks. I lifted the hood while it was at the 1/2 mark and cooling fans were not running however my mechanic has checked that the fans are working(both high and low speeds) properly. This still doesn't seem right to me that the temp is getting that high when it never did before. Could there be anything else we could be over looking? BTW the thermostat has been changed.

I have noticed this and ran across it MANY times before.
The fans on a GM vehicle TYPICALLY come on in the 215-225* area and go off in the 230* area depending on some factors.

As far as before and after, I cannot explain it FOR SURE , other than I have seen the SAME thing before. I believe, there is no escape for any coolant or pressure. The system is TOTALLY sealed. This will increase temp just a bit.Since the gauge is a realitive gage (Not exact)very small differences in temp show up.

The vehicle is not actually running hot, just warmer than BEFORE.
To ease your concerns, take it somewheres and have them hook a scanner up to the vehicle.
Have them watch the temperature ON THE SCANNER not on the dash.
Compare when the fans come on and go off.
If it is within factory specs, there is not much that can be done.
Have them DOUBLE check ONE LAST time for air pockets, but it would really be running hot if that were the case.
Try to not worry about it.
Take it for a seconed opinion. Ease YOUR mind, however possible.
I Hope this helps.
Good Luck