Oldsmobile/Buick Repair: A/C will not blow through vents, vacuum tank, vacuum line

QUESTION: I have a 98 Buick Lesabre, The a/c stopped blowing from the vents about 2 weeks ago and only blows through the defrost and floor. I searched for a vacuum line that was disconnected (i was told it would usually be plastic not rubber) but could not find any lines that were not connected under the hood. Where would this line usually be located in case I missed it? if not what next?

Going by memory, I THINK the vacuum line for the HVAC is ported from the intake directly next to where the brake booster vacuum line goes into manifold.
It then goes down toward the front of vehicle to the left side I THINK to the Vacuum tank.
From the tank it goes towards the firewall and into the car on the passenger side.
Listen for a hiss.. a vacuum leak will hiss.
The line will attach to the HVAC controller(If you have Automatic HVAC) either under the passenger side foot well area or to the HVAC vacuum valve (for Manual HVAC).
Listen all around for a hiss while car is running. Under hood, under car close to tank, on inside...
Good luck

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks- I looked everywhere for a vacuum line that needed to be reattatched as well as under the dash. No hissing noises etc. I took it to two shops and couldnt get a straight answer that wouldnt involve spending money to take it apart. I then took it to a dealer who looked at it and told me i needed a new HVAC programmer and it costs 700.00. It is located behind the glove box and appears that it may be easily removed. I am going to try to find a used part at a junk yard. Do you have any advice to save any trouble in trying to make the repair myself?

Yes it sounds like it MAY be your problem at this point.
Yes It is a pretty straight forward job.
You can make sure you're getting vacuum inside the car on one of the lines, probabally purple colored line.
One should have vacuum at all times while the engine is running.
If so, go for the HVAC Programmer module.
Good Luck