Oldsmobile/Buick Repair: Service Vehicle Soon dash light, amp fuse, daytime running lights

1998 Olds Cutlass, 3.1L, 181K miles.  Regular maintenance, highway miles, & runs well.  Tow small trailer occasionally & flushed antifreeze & changed transmission fuid 2x already.
My manual says this light stays on "if it detects a problem on the vehicle, such as a DRL or an ALC malfunction".
I looked up DRL and found what I thought to be Daytime Running Lights in the fuse section, and found Automatic Light Control as well in the same section.
I replaced fuses #'s 19, 20 & 22 under the hood by the manual & checked the mini 10-amp fuse # 46 (which was good).  The dash light warning is still on.
Any suggestions before I take it to the dealership?
Thank you in advance for any help you can offer.

Do Your Daytime Running Lights work?
Do the Auto Lamp Control work?
If they work, It is PROBABALLY seeing a bad resistance through one or both of the DRL bulbs, or one of the DRL Ckts has high resistance.
I'd replace the bulbs, and recheck.
To clear BCM Codes, remove BOTH the positive and Negative terminals from the battery.
With them UNHOOKED, touch them together for 30secs to 1 min.
Then hook the POSITIVE first, then the Negative.
This will clear codes from BCM.
If it comes back on, you can go have the BCM Scanned for codes.
Any good repair shop should be able to retrieve codes from BCM.
Bring it home and follow post back, I'll help more, if wanted.
Good Luck